

2021-07-20 11:07




数据来源:新东方集团 (基于20万做题人次,201910月为止)




Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some answer choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.




Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some answer choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.


不难发现,正确选项是指文中最重要的观点the most important ideas in the passage),也叫major ideas主要观点。而错误选项一方面可以是与原文矛盾/无中生有的信息(not presented in the passage),这一类比较容易被考生识别和排除;另一方面则是容易让考生掉进陷阱的坑点,即次要观点minor ideas in the passage)。何谓次要观点?它与主要观点(major points)又是如何区分的呢?我们以TPO63-Passage 3-The Roman Empire为例:

There were a number of different reasons for the greatness of the Roman Empire.

     据小结题给出的introductory sentence(如上),该篇文章谈论罗马帝国伟大的原因,以总分的结构展开——第1-2段陈述罗马地大物博的盛世景象,引出其原因探索,第3-7段分别从不同方面:construction and architecture, transportation network, nature, Greek art, Greek religion展开. 以下为部分选项:

Answer Choices

A.       The Romans allowed the legal and administrative structures of conquered lands to operate independently of Rome

B.       ………

C.       ………

D.       ………

E.      Greek culture had a significant impact on the art and religious beliefs of the Romans

F.      The Roman government made attempts to eliminate unauthorized religions  


Paragraph 7

Although the Romans had gods of their own, they also adopted many Greek gods and myths and assimilated Greek religious beefs and practices into a form of state religion. To these gods they added their own defied emperors, in part to maintain the allegiance of the culturally diverse populations of the empire. Worship of ancon gods mingled with homage to past rules, and oaths of allegiance to the living ruler made the official religion a political duty-- increasingly ritualized perfunctory and distant from the everyday life of the average person. As a result, many Romans adopted the more personal religious beliefs of the people they had conquered. These unauthorized religions flourished despite occasional government efforts to suppress them.


学术文章中段落的主要观点,即所谓正确选项包含的信息,一般体现在段落中心句(topic sentence)。以上节选的第七段,从宗教神明的角度讲述希腊对罗马的塑造与影响,段落主旨即the Romans also adopted many Greek gods and myths and assimilated Greek religious beefs and practices into a form of state religion. 后三句讲述具体如何adopt assimilate,如新增本土的帝王神明、新旧融合等,属于supporting details,是为了进一步论述主要观点而提供的细节信息,而这些细节信息往往也为题干中说的错误选项:minor ideas. 选项F的陈述(The Roman government made attempts to eliminate unauthorized religions)即来自本段的最后一句:These unauthorized religions flourished despite occasional government efforts to suppress them,罗马政府的确对未授权的宗教有所镇压,F的表述是没有问题的,但它是关于政府具体如何处理个人信仰与国家宗教关系的,属于细节信息,并非此段the major idea,因此予以排除。






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