2015-06-13 22:03
It is well-known to everyone that “knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.” This self-evident saying means doing an activity or training regularly and repeatedly is essential to improve your skill.
It is universally acknowledged that the knowledge can only be grasped by practice, not by ideas or contemplation, simply because the hand - the cutting edge of the mind - is much more important than the eye. Unfortunately, there are many students who only receive knowledge passively from the teachers but not willing to practice. Many examples can be cited to illustrate the saying. For instance, when learning a foreign language, say English, one has to practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing assiduously so as to acquire the essence of the language. Besides, how could Yao Ming, a once ordinary andunknown basketball player, achieve unprecedented success in NBA without his wholehearted devotion into practice? In a nutshell, the foundation of knowledge must be laid by practice.
Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take measures. To begin with, our awareness should be cultivated and enhanced to know that practice is essential to knowledge. Besides, it is the youngsters’ priority to practice as much as possible. At any rate, a strong climbing-rope, made by twisting together ideas, theories, and above all, continual practice, can help us scale the summits of knowledge.
类似曾经的话题 practice makes perfect
Knowledge 不一定指课堂上学习到的理论知识,篮球理论也叫知识,学习一种语言也叫知识,运动理论也叫知识。(是不是这个举例又来啦)
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