2015-06-13 18:12
1 comment on parents’ role in their children’s growth
2 comment on this kind of modern life
3 comment on kid’s understanding of going to school
下面,笔者以“comment on parents’ role in their children’s growth”为例,进行相关解析。
首段首句必须为反复强调的定语从句“as is vividly described in the picture,...”其后一般加上的成分为“a do sth, while b do sth.” 基础较好的同学可以再进一步用定语从句,非谓语动词,介词短语等升级,重点关注图中人物的动作,表情,语言等。于是第一句的终极版本为“as is vividly described in the picture, a daughter with an admission notice on her hand claims that she is enrolled to her mother’s favorite university, while her mother is just sitting in a sofa reading books.”第一段第二句需要点题,此文章主题为父母有些时候会过度干涉孩子的生活,可以结合最近热播的“虎妈猫爸”联想。模板为“undoubtedly,... ”.于是第二句终极版本为“undoubtedly, parents may play an over-important role in their children’s growth.”
第二段,上课告知应为总分结构,主要分析父母对于孩子的影响以及过度干涉的原因。所以第一句可以先一个让步“although the influence is indispensable, while not always”。接着一个上课讲过的过渡句“there are numerous reasons accounting for my perspective, while the following might be the most critical ones.”继而,从两个方面加以论证,一方面,父母应该对孩子的成长负责,而另一方面,过度干涉可能适得其反。记得一定用相关连接词体现逻辑性,如果基础一般的同学,可以选择相关模板句。“first and foremost, there is no denying the fact that parents are the first teachers of their beloved kids, so they should set a good example for them. Apart from that, when children gradually grow up, they might and should have their own insights and judgments. The over-interference may pose a heavy burden to children.”
第三段,归纳总结,提出个人观点。可以套用模板“from my perspective, i deem that we should take a proper attitude towards parents’ role in their children’s growth. ”然后提出相关建议措施,建议措施记得仍可以从学校,家庭教育两方面入手。“to begin with, schools should form students’ abilities of making judgments all by themselves. Besides, parents are not supposed to impose too much expectation and pressure on their children.”最后喊口号总结,可以套用only 句型 “only in this way can children develop in a well-rounded way!”
As is vividly described in the picture, a daughter with an admission notice on her hand claims that she is enrolled to her mother’s favorite university, while her mother is just sitting in a sofa reading books. Undoubtedly, parents may play an over-important role in their children’s growth.
Although the influence is indispensable, while not always. There are numerous reasons accounting for my perspective, while the following might be the most critical ones. First and foremost, there is no denying the fact that parents are the first teachers of their beloved kids, so they should set a good example for them. Apart from that, when children gradually grow up, they might and should have their own insights and judgments. The over-interference may pose a heavy burden to children.
From my perspective, I deem that we should take a proper attitude towards parents’ role in their children’s growth. To begin with, schools should form students’ abilities of making judgments all by themselves. Besides, parents are not supposed to impose too much expectation and pressure on their children. Only in this way can children develop in a well-rounded way!
2 comment on this kind of modern life
As is vividly described in the picture, fully addicted to the computer, a person is busy with his or her daily life, whether he is at work or at home, even when he is sleeping . Undoubtedly, this kind of modern life is detrimental to people’s daily life.
There are numerous reasons accounting for my perspective, while the following might be the most critical ones. First and foremost, as for the individual himself, he is so indulged in the computer or the virtual world alike that he may find himself lost when it comes to the real world. Apart from that, there is no denying the fact that busy as he seems to be, he is unhappy since he lacks face-to-face communication with his friends as a result of over-indulgence in the internet.
From my perspective, I deem that we should take a proper attitude towards this kind of modern life. To begin with, schools should form students’ abilities of communicating with people face-to-face. Besides, we each individual are supposed to attach more significance to real life contact. Only in this way can we get more happiness!
3 comment on kid’s understanding of going to school
As is vividly described in the picture, a boy with a bag on his back and mobile phone on his hand doubts the significance of going to school, while his mother wants him to go to school. Undoubtedly, nowadays kids may overlook the underlying importance of going to school.
There are numerous reasons accounting for my perspective, while the following might be the most critical ones. First and foremost, there is no denying the fact that education in school mean not only knowledge in book, but also some practical abilities, such as communication, cooperation, etc. Apart from that, children nowadays are into cell-phones so much that they might well exaggerate the role these e-gadgets play in the real world.
From my perspective, I deem that we should take a proper attitude towards going to school and accepting education. What education really means is not limited to information only, which is the point we should keep in mind at first. Only in this way can we make full use of education in school and survive in the fierce competition.
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