2015-06-13 13:04
作文类似六级送孩子参加艺术班2009 12 以及四级的家长为孩子包办一切 2010 12
第一段描述图画 引入 对话 意义
所有句子 全是上课例句 直接套用
众所周知 家长在孩子的学习生活教育中扮演了重要角色
然而 当今社会 由于社会的发展 过渡依靠家长的孩子的数量急剧增长
第一 很对学生缺乏独立意识 不愿意自己思考 判断
第二 很多学生尚未意识到独立对于未来生活的重要性
姚明 如果姚明没有独立意识 无法获得今天的成就
We could see from the picture that two people, perhaps a mom and her daughter,were having a conversation about the daughter's enrollment into university. The daughter shared the good news with her mom that she was accepted to the college of her mom'choice while her mom seemed glad and delighted. It reminds us the importance of parents' role in children' s growth.
It is universally acknowledged that parents play a crucial role in their children's lives. However, in the contemporary society, owing to the speedy development of education, the number of parents who run everything for their children has considerably increased. Generally speaking,there are several reasons which can be considered as follows. To begin with, owing to the lack of independence, many children over depend on their parents so that their abilities have been greatly weakened. In addition, kids in mounting numbers have not come to realize the importance of independence in the future. Let us take Yao Ming as an example. How could YAo MIng, an once ordinary but unknown basketball player in Asian, achieve unprecedented success in NBA without the spirit of independence
Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures.most importantly , we should cultivate the awareness of the young generation that independence is essential to them . Only in this way can we solve the problem.
We could see from the picture that two people, perhaps a mom and her daughter,were having a conversation about the daughter's enrollment into university. The daughter shared the good news with her mom that she was accepted to the college of her mom'choice while her mom seemed glad and delighted. It reminds us the importance of parents' role in children' s growth
Ever since the dawn of the century, children's independence has been the talk of public concern, especially for those parents who have only one child. Most children, being doted and spoiled by their parents, grandparents and even relatives, have fewer chances to face challenged and address difficulties on their own. Consequently, the young generation get used to over relying on their parents almost in everything and lack of ability to solve problems independently.
Confronted with the problem , we should take a series of effective and efficient measures to reverse the trend. To begin with, parents should cultivate the awareness of their children, which should be begin from childhood. In addition, parents should offer mor chances for their children to experience the world. Thus their children are more likely to enhance the capability to overcome the difficulties and handle problems.only with parents' assistance and determination can the next generation accumulate confidence and become independence step by step .
本次话题类似2013年12 月的两次图画作文
2013 12
图画一 是the impact of the Internet on the way people communicate
图画二 是 the impact of the Internet on learning
本次作文可以把提纲翻译成 the impact of the computer
As is vividly depicted in the picture, there is a a person who is working and playing in front of a computer whenver he is in work or at home. Even when he is lying in bed, he is still thinking about the computer. It reminds us the impact of the computer in modern society.
It is universally acknowledged that computers play a crucial role in people’s lives. Some people hold that, compared with lives several decades ago which are tedious and boring, studying, working and even playing surrounded by electronic products, such as computers and tablets, is more entertaining and colorful. People can share feelings, express concerns and talk about events with family members and intimate friends However, other people insist that over-dependence on computers is a curse rather than a blessing. People, univesity students in particular, become over-dependent on such digital devices so that their literacy as well as phyical ability has been greatly weakened.
In summary, computers have both advantages and disadvantages. Whatever effects it has, one thing is certain, computers in itself are neither good nor bad. It is the use that determines its value to society.
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